Trauma Clearing

Offered by Tiffany Smith, RN

Kinesiology is a powerful, painless technique that uses neurological biofeedback via muscle monitoring, to pinpoint structural, biochemical, psychological, emotional, and energetic areas of stress and imbalance in the body.  Once the areas of imbalance are located, they are cleared through one of the body's energy systems.  Just as your body has a digestive, skeletal, and nervous system, the electrical energy in your body is in a system, and can have bruises or breaks in the same way.   Applying positive focused energy clears the imbalances and resets the energy system.  

Tiffany Smith RN uses kinesiology with a strategic focus on pulling the body out fight or flight.  Our bodies are designed to go in and out of Fight or Flight, but often in our stress filled lives it gets stuck.  When stuck in Fight or Flight a lengthy range of symptoms can occur such as anxiety, increased heart beat, digestive and bladder issues, circulation issues, brain fog, inability to sleep, or always sleeping but never feeling rested, frequent urination, dilated pupils, learning issues, food sensitivities, joint pain, and hormone issues.  Removing the stress from the energy system simply, yet powerfully, allows the body to heal and achieve the balance it was designed for.   The physical and emotional benefits are as numerous as the clients, and she is incredibly blessed to get to see lives changed every day for the better.


  • In a standard Kinergetics session, the practitioner will use muscle monitoring to establish the priority imbalance/issue that needs to be worked on. The practitioner may conduct tests of muscles in relation to meridian points, the body’s reaction to homeopathic vials of toxins, heavy metals, minerals, foods etc. All of this is done fully clothed, while sitting or lying on a massage table. Emotional hurts and traumas can, and should, be a part of these sessions. Most people feel it is the most gentle way to release these emotions from your body. You may talk as little, or as much as you feel comfortable with. There is no need to be anxious about this, nothing you are not ready to release will come up, and the practitioner is well trained in how to assist you through this time.

  • Each person’s experience will vary individually. Some experiences may include:

    • Becoming tired

    • Ranges of emotions from laughter to sadness

    • Occasional waves of fatigue

    • Feeling tingling move through the body

    • Body twitches

    • Stomach gurgling/releasing

  • Over the following few days, the body will continue to process what was worked on/released in the session. You may notice the benefits right away. As stresses are released from muscles, organs and glands, toxins and emotions may be released. It is important to stay hydrated, and listen to your body. Many people benefit greatly from epsom salt soaks, walks in the sun, rest, and good nutrition. Many people report feeling lighter, weight loss, better sleep, calmness, less brain fog, and more very quickly.


First session (3 hours) $400

Follow Up Sesssion
(1.5 hrs 2 weeks later)

Total cost is $600

20% Discount for First Responders

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